The upgrade program is a financing instrument set up by the Tunisian state and implemented by the Ministry of Industry for nearly 30 years. It is an innovation support program, from which any industrial enterprise or providing an ancillary service to industry can benefit. This program makes it possible to finance investments in equipment up to 10 to 20% depending on the contribution in equity of the beneficiary company and intangible investments up to 70%. In order to benefit from this program, a preliminary study must be conducted by an external firm that evaluates the organization of the company applying for the premium, its financial structuring, its production capacities, its adaptation to innovations and any other element deemed relevant to defend its case. This study also includes the sheets of projects and acquisitions that the company wishes to finance through this mechanism and a projection over 5 years of the impact of this investment on productivity, finances, recruitment, expansion of the product range, etc … Once the study is filed, the consulting firm will monitor the project from its approval until the closing of the investments and the obtaining of the premium on behalf of the company.