What is a label?
A label is a distinctive sign which makes it possible to value a product compared to another by highlighting its specificities. It gives to the labeled product a territorial value, a heritage and cultural dimension, then we talk about notoriety.
The labels are collective marks certification that can be used, voluntarily, by several producers respecting the specific criteria of the label and following conformity verification audits.
What is an ecolabel?
An eco-label is an eco-label awarded by an independent organization to a product/service likely to reduce certain negative impacts on the environment in comparison with other products/services of the same category.
Why ?
A label facilitates the identification and recognition of the product by consumers thanks to the differentiation it gives compared to similar products.
It strengthens consumer confidence, builds loyalty and gives them guarantees in return for their willingness to pay a higher price.
Labeling also improves competitive power and protects against usurpation and relocation.
What interest ?
How it works ?
Before starting a labeling project, it is necessary to ensure the relevance of the market and guarantee public support, at least at the kick off.
Subsequently, and as quality is a normative concept, it is necessary to start by establishing a standard (specifications) to be respected by the users of the label in order to highlight the specificity of the product and guarantee its quality.
This can only be done through audits and/or third-party controls that must be as strict as flexible in relation to the specifications chosen or established. These audits will also provide credibility and a good reputation to the label.
Our office offers you its services to carry out each of the stages of labeling and/or creation of labels.
Our experience:
The label was created by the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), with the aim of improving the management of protected areas and natural sites with high ecological values by improving the socio-economic conditions of operators.
The “Wild Tunisia” label makes it possible to differentiate products and services from PAs in Tunisia, their surroundings areas and areas with high ecological values from products and services that are its competitors or similar.
These products & services are provided respecting the environment and social priorities.
The principles of the label are:
-The respect of environment
– Equity
Our office, thanks to the expertise of Mrs. Wafa Ben Hamida, ensured the drafting of the specifications of the WILD TUNISIA label for the activities of honey production, extraction of essential oils and the organization of ecotourism excursions. We ensured also training and compliance with the requirements of these specifications for four organizations working in these different activities
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